Ladies Instructional Programs

A park with trees and leaves on the ground

Improving the games of over 3,00 ladies since 2005

All Ladies Programs are listed below and all applications are available ONLINE.

These Instructional programs have been a huge success for the past 16 seasons improving the games of over 2,700 ladies. We are pleased to offer an even better product for the new season.

Swansea Country Club boasts our Director of Instruction Rus Johnson and the Ocean State Golf Academy and their staff who will continue to build on the strong momentum experienced by our Ladies Instructional Programs over the last 12 years.

We have designed 2 Programs for all skill sets especially for you.

Payments are due prior to participation for all instruction!

Any Instructional Cancellations due to weather will be prorated and refunded via Swansea Country Club Gift Cards - no exceptions

Ladies "Intermediate" Golf Instruction  is a great building block for the lady who has taken previous instruction or has significant playing experience.  

You receive the best of both worlds as we blend technology and beauty of oncourse practice and play.

One session will be indoors using the latest in technology utilized by the Ocean State Golf Academy and three sessions at the fantastic practice facilities of Swansea Country Club and our Par 3 Course.

Four different sessions on held on either Monday, Wednesday evenings 5-7pm and Saturday mornings 8:30-10:30am

In the event of inclement weather all sessions will be held indoors at the Ocean State Golf Academy

Golf "101" is the perfect introductory course for woman looking to learn the game of golf in a perfect introductory Clinic.  You receive the best of both worlds as we blend technology and beauty of oncourse practice and play.

Two sessions will be indoors using the latest in technology utilized by the Ocean State Golf Academy and two sessions at the fantastic practice facilities of Swansea Country Club and our Par 3 Course.

Over 12 different sessions on held on either Monday, Wednesday evenings 5-7pm and Sunday mornings 8:30-10:30am

In the event of inclement weather all sessions will be held indoors at the Ocean State Golf Academy